An Acrostic Sonnet Made with Preset Rhymes
A translation into English of Soneto acróstico en consonantes forzados, a soneto by María Egual. Translation by Valerie Hegstrom.
Translator's note: In this translation I have attempted approximate meaning, rhyme, and syllable count. As a nod toward the acrostic "Vitor Don Felype" in the source text, I included the acrostic "Lo Victor Felipe."
[original version]
Live long, famous hero, for your glory’s crown
Olympus’s sacred chorus defines,
Voicing through your cleverness the most refined
Integrity, for knowing such great renown,
Cheerful mem’ry in history writes it down.
Treasures great from your intelligence we find,
Offering true gold—as an abundant mine—
Released from your intellect, known all around.
Favored Valencia, which could appreciate you
Enjoyed within, and—in debt to heaven’s sight—
Lucky she who could meet and venerate you.
Into fondness shifting longing, daring might
Proposes to honor and celebrate you
Even through the brief, blunt ascent of my flight.