More than Muses

Texts by Translation

Translated into English

Almada, Filipa de

  • What I Cannot Recover, a translation of O que recobrar não posso from Portuguese by Valerie Hegstrom
  • Cueva y Silva, Leonor de la

  • Tell me, Life, what are you good for?, a translation of Vida, ¿para qué eres buena? from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • To the Miserable State and Misfortunes of Medina, a translation of Al miserable estado y desdichas de Medina from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • Egual, María

  • A Verse to the Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Most Holy Lady, a translation of Décima a la inmaculada concepción de María Santísima Señora Nuestra from Spanish by Izzy Hurdle
  • A friend replies to her friend with the following verse, a translation of A una amiga responde otra con la décima siguiente from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • An Acrostic Sonnet Made with Preset Rhymes, a translation of Soneto acróstico en consonantes forzados from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • In praise of some verses, a translation of En alabanza de unos versos from Spanish by Emma Holmes and W. F. Carr
  • To a Nightingale That Began to Sing When One Person Related Their Sorrows to Another, a translation of A un ruiseñor que se puso a cantar al tiempo que una persona estaba contando sus pesares a otro from Spanish by Josh Johnson
  • To a woman who stepped on a jasmine flower, a translation of A una señora que pisó una flor de jazmín from Spanish by Kika Londoño and W. F. Carr
  • To an Accident That a Lady Had, a translation of A un accidente que le dio a una señora from Spanish by Austin Turgoose
  • Pinar, Florencia

  • A Song by a Lady Named Florencia Pinar, a translation of Canción de una dama que se dice Florencia Pinar from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • Another Song by the Same Lady to Some Live Partridges that They Sent to Her, a translation of Otra canción de la misma señora a unas perdices que le enviaron vivas from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
  • Violante do Céu, Soror

  • Sonnet II – The author pleads with the Lord our God to accept her good will in praising Him with her poetic works, a translation of Soneto II – La autora suplica a Dios nuestro Señor que acepte su buena voluntad en alabarlo con sus obras métricas from Spanish by Kennady Dial and W. F. Carr
  • Sonnet III — The repentant author asks forgiveness from the Lord our God for having praised human subjects with her works rather than praising His divinity and His saints, a translation of Soneto III – Pide la autora arrepentida perdón a Dios nuestro Señor de haber alabado algunos sujetos humanos con sus versos y que no fueran todos alabanzas divinas y loores de sus santos from Spanish by Kennady Dial and W. F. Carr
  • Sonnet LXIII – The Constancy of Divine Love, the Inconstancy of Human Love, a translation of Soneto LXIII – Firmezas del divino amor, inconstancias del amor humano from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom