Texts by Translation
Translated into English
Almada, Filipa de
What I Cannot Recover, a translation of O que recobrar não posso from Portuguese by Valerie Hegstrom
Cueva y Silva, Leonor de la
Tell me, Life, what are you good for?, a translation of Vida, ¿para qué eres buena? from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
To the Miserable State and Misfortunes of Medina, a translation of Al miserable estado y desdichas de Medina from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
Egual, María
A Verse to the Immaculate Conception of Mary Our Most Holy Lady, a translation of Décima a la inmaculada concepción de María Santísima Señora Nuestra from Spanish by Izzy Hurdle
A friend replies to her friend with the following verse, a translation of A una amiga responde otra con la décima siguiente from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
An Acrostic Sonnet Made with Preset Rhymes, a translation of Soneto acróstico en consonantes forzados from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
In praise of some verses, a translation of En alabanza de unos versos from Spanish by Emma Holmes and W. F. Carr
To a Nightingale That Began to Sing When One Person Related Their Sorrows to Another, a translation of A un ruiseñor que se puso a cantar al tiempo que una persona estaba contando sus pesares a otro from Spanish by Josh Johnson
To a woman who stepped on a jasmine flower, a translation of A una señora que pisó una flor de jazmín from Spanish by Kika Londoño and W. F. Carr
To an Accident That a Lady Had, a translation of A un accidente que le dio a una señora from Spanish by Austin Turgoose
Pinar, Florencia
A Song by a Lady Named Florencia Pinar, a translation of Canción de una dama que se dice Florencia Pinar from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
Another Song by the Same Lady to Some Live Partridges that They Sent to Her, a translation of Otra canción de la misma señora a unas perdices que le enviaron vivas from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom
Violante do Céu, Soror
Sonnet II – The author pleads with the Lord our God to accept her good will in praising Him with her poetic works, a translation of Soneto II – La autora suplica a Dios nuestro Señor que acepte su buena voluntad en alabarlo con sus obras métricas from Spanish by Kennady Dial and W. F. Carr
Sonnet III — The repentant author asks forgiveness from the Lord our God for having praised human subjects with her works rather than praising His divinity and His saints, a translation of Soneto III – Pide la autora arrepentida perdón a Dios nuestro Señor de haber alabado algunos sujetos humanos con sus versos y que no fueran todos alabanzas divinas y loores de sus santos from Spanish by Kennady Dial and W. F. Carr
Sonnet LXIII – The Constancy of Divine Love, the Inconstancy of Human Love, a translation of Soneto LXIII – Firmezas del divino amor, inconstancias del amor humano from Spanish by Valerie Hegstrom